What we do

Roughan & O’Donovan uses the technology and systems engineering processes associated with BIM (Building Information Modelling) to support effective design, risk management, construction and asset management.


We have been using advanced 3D modelling and standardised data exchange for road, bridge and structures design for many years.

Our BIM processes are integrated with our quality management system.

ROD was one of the first organisations globally to achieve BSI BIM verification to reflect ISO 19650 Parts 1 and 2


  • Improved design, construction and asset management outcomes for clients
  • Reduced risk of costly delays through construction phasing and clash detection
  • Greater efficiencies in the management of design changes
  • Improved understanding of complex design concepts through visualisation
  • Greater project predictability
  • Improved access to validated asset information


Roughan & O’Donovan is taking a lead role, at a European level, in the implementation of BIM for road infrastructure design, construction and asset management.

As part of the CEDR INTERLINK project, we examined how best practice in the use of BIM in asset information management can be practically applied across European national road authorities. Working in a consortium of industry leaders in research, asset management, engineering consulting, BIM, IT consulting and software development, we investigated how linked data and sematic web technologies can provide cross-border benefits.


  • BIM 
  • Asset information management
  • Parametric modelling
  • Integrated project delivery
  • Application of linked data and semantic web technologies
  • 4D modelling and visualisation
  • Constructability analysis and review
  • Multi-disciplinary collaborative work processes
  • Simulation and performance analyses