ROD's efficient management of the risk assessment process ensured that Bord na Móna met its legal obligations under the terms of its waste licence.
Determining the impact on groundwater of an existing peat and biomass ash repository site at Cloncreen bog in Co. Offaly
Roughan & O’Donovan carried out a groundwater risk screening and Tier 3 hydrogeological assessment of Bord na Mona’s Clonbullogue landfill site in Co. Offaly.
An efficient turnaround of the technical appraisal was required to ensure the operator remained compliant under the conditions of its waste licence.
We carried out an assessment of a potential leakage of leachate from beneath the landfill into the underlying groundwater and examined the corresponding risk to nearby sensitive receptors including:
We subsequently produced a Tier 3 hydrogeological assessment, which satisfied the requirements of the operator's waste licence.
Landfill activities pose a significant risk to groundwater, if proper care in design, construction and operation is not taken. Waste management legislation and technical requirements are continually changing, and operators and assessors must have regard to the resulting implications to ensure continuing compliance.