A combined promenade, cycleway and flood defence project.
A combined promenade, cycleway and flood protection project that sensitively shapes the built and natural environment and serves its community well
Roughan & O’Donovan undertook the feasibility study, preliminary design, and detailed design for this combined promenade, cycleway and flood defence project. We also prepared the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) for the scheme. The EIS was approved by An Bord Pleanála in 2011.
Promenade and cycleway design
The 6.5m wide combined promenade and cycleway is located on the seaward side of, contiguous and at grade with, the existing James Larkin Road. It links the North Bull Island causeway and the Wooden Bridge at Dollymount.
Flood defence design
Road improvement works
The principal design constraint of the scheme was the ecological importance of the South Bull lagoon, one of Ireland’s most protected sites.
Our solution satisfied the requirements of key consultees by: