Team Profile Photo_Joe Kelly

Joe Kelly

European Commission
European Union


Safe-10-T (Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network) is a three-year, EU-funded research project that aims to develop a safety framework for critical road, rail and inland waterway infrastructure along the European TEN-T network. 

Our research and development team is one of an international consortium of civil engineers, computer scientists, big data managers and sociologists, collaborating with infrastructure managers from Network Rail, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, and Croatian Railways on the project. 

The main output will be an online decision support tool to be used by infrastructure owners and managers to inform strategic investment decisions regarding transport infrastructure.


A system of remote monitoring currently allows infrastructure managers to observe the health status of infrastructure in real-time. This system can be used to detect damage; monitor the infrastructure response during an extreme event; and/or extend the service life of the infrastructure. 

The SAFE-10-T project proposes to use data recorded from remote monitoring sensors to continuously update machine-learning algorithms, which could then train a system to evolve with time. 

The consideration of critical infrastructure, such as bridges, tunnels and earthworks as intelligent, self-learning objects, rather than inert objects, will provide a means of virtually eradicating sudden network failures. 

These advanced techniques will be demonstrated using case study projects at critical interchanges and nodes of the TEN-T network.


As infrastructure monitoring systems across transport networks are limited in number, the application of novel techniques to calibrate and relate off-site data to a particular bridge or tunnel on a network is required.


Novel machine learning applications will be developed to use remotely monitored data to provide advanced, real-time safety assessments of critical transport infrastructure assets.

Services provided:

  • Bridge loading 
  • Structural modelling and assessment 
  • Structural health monitoring 
  • Weigh-in-motion 
  • Probabilistic load modelling 
  • Long-run simulations 
  • Structural safety assessment 
  • Probabilistic assessment 
  • Fatigue analysis 
  • Deterministic assessment 
  • Reliability assessment 
  • Life-cycle costing 
  • Virtual monitoring

Learn more about our research work