Roughan & O'Donovan (ROD) to pleased to announce that our Senior Engineer, Robert Corbally, has won the 'Best Presented Project Award' in the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) Future Leaders Competition. The award recognises Robert's work on the enhancing Motorway Operations Services Programme for Transport Infrastructure Ireland. 

Robert and his team developed software that uses real data from the M50 motorway to provide detailed insights into traffic and congestion patterns. These insights informed the design of operational responses - using variable speed limits - to delay or mitigate the effects of daily congestion on the motorway. 

On receiving the award at a gala dinner in Madrid last night, Robert said, "I am honoured that my work on the eMOS programme has been recognised at a European level. It reinforces my belief that novel research and data-driven solutions represent the future of our industry as we move towards a new digital era of designing, building and managing our infrastructure." 

Robert thanked Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the directors in ROD for "placing their trust in me to push the boundaries in the pursuit of cutting-edge solutions", his team in ROD for "working tirelessly to make the vision a reality", and the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) for nominating him for the award.