Displaying 1 to 6 of 14 projects
  • Infralinc listing image


    Assessing climate risks

    INFRAstructure cLimate change risk considering Interdependencies and Cascading hazards
  • Risk Based Design

    Risk-based geometric design

    A new approach to risk

    Roughan & O'Donovan is developing an evidence-based approach to assessing collision risk on Ireland's national road network
  • Navigation Street Bridge

    Navigation Street Bridge, Birmingham

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    Reviewing past structural assessments of the bridge to determine the correct load rating for the structure
  • ROD-IS team


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    Using smart infrastructure to develop a framework to increase safety on the TEN-T network in Europe
  • Destination Rail

    DESTination RAIL

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    Best practice tools and methodologies to better assess the safety of railway infrastructure, including bridges, slopes and tracks
  • Harmony

    CEDR Harmony roads and wildlife research

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    Developing an ecologically sustainable national road infrastructure throughout the EU